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Thursday, May 24, 2012


Across from Dole Road and in Coon Hollow is where I usally go. I will sell my gold after I get  a lil bit [more]. I'm 27 looking for a highbanker. I do this for an income right now due to no work. Love to be at the river. It's a good feeling to find a hundred lil flakes in 3 hours time. Makes you feel good.

P.S. So is Coon Hollow private? Rob Perry, of course, will read this. I'm the blogmaster. Happy gold prospecting!


  1. as far as i know its public there iss now private property signs i only have seen 3 other cars there a guy got like 200 flakes from a weekend there i've pulled a lil bit from there its the bridge before clarks branch also i've seen people down across from the rv park highbanking not sure how they have done ps i live in winston

  2. Thank you for your comments. Have you joined the local gold prospecting club? Rob and friends have joined. (Douglas County Prospectors Association: website:http://dcpagold.com/) It's 12 dollars a year for family membership. Rob plans to go next meeting. It is the second Monday night each month, meeting at 6:30 if you wish to buy a $5.00 each person dinner and 7:00 PM if you come just for the meeting. I understand you can join at the meeting. You can find directions for meeting on the website. Happy prospecting.
