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Monday, June 25, 2012

For Your Information

Here's a site where you can get some of the permits you need in Oregon to prospect and more. 

DEQ                                                      DEQ 600 (highbanker) permit
DEQ 700-PM Permit                             DEQ 600 (Highbanker) Instructions
DEQ 700-PM Instructions                      Timing for in Water Work
Department of State Lands                       Essential Salmonid Habitat Maps
Metal Detector Reviews                           DSL Report Form

Go to the link at bottom of this page for Oregon Prospecting Supplies & Detector Sales (Scroll Down) once there go to their Links Page.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Gold in the pan and sluice box

Allan Bennett shares his gold take at Myrtle Creek, Oregon. Bennett has moved to Washington State but plans to keep prospecting and will share his adventures with THE GOLD ANGLE. ... Thanks Allan

Thief! Thief!

Sat. June 23, 2012 a small sluice box was taken near Tom's car. The box was taken when Tom returned to the river to get the rest of his gear. He'd left it near his car. Tom had just purchased the box. It would be good if the box were returned to him. Email Rob Perry if you can help with this situation. Email address is in right column. Thanks and watch your gold prospecting gear. It could happen to you too.

A Youtube Video on Finding Placer Gold

This video is 7:26 mins. and is by hixonAu. It has been viewed 81,845 times. The name of the video is "How to Find Placer Gold." Click link below.


Friday, June 22, 2012

Oregon Beauty

Rob checking out area to prospect

Click on photo to make larger. Comment. We'd love to hear what you have to say.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Gold Panning, One Way

Click link to go to Youtube Gold Panning Video by omegagee64. The title is "How to pan for gold at mdpub.com" and it is 9:14 minutes long. There is always something new to learn. Enjoy.


Tuesday, June 12, 2012

A Book, A Novice Gold Prospector: Rob Perry

A book is in the works. In the fall you should be able to order a copy of Oregon Gold. The book will contain many photos of beautiful Oregon with Perry and friends searching for gold. Perry will explain the few tools you actually need when first beginning the search for gold. We will tell you when it will be available to order.

Say Hey, if you see Rob on the river!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

"Stuff Happens"

Great weather this weekend. Rob wanted to hit the river with his friends but "stuff happens." If you got to dunk your pan/sluice box tell us about it.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Finding Gold

Sorry, no sound. Not one of the guys wanted to say anything. Just too tired after a day at the river. Comment.

Weekend at the River

Thanks Andy and Kevin (Andy's dad) for showing us a new place to prospect. Tell us about your gold prospecting adventures. Comment! ... Rob