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Monday, July 4, 2016


One summer before starting college classes Rob Perry decided to explore the possibility of gold mining as a permanent career. He began his search for a gold claim in Oregon. The summer days were  sliding into fall and the need for funds critical. And then the love of his life came along, happily changing everything. 

Before taking a job he did collect a few stories about gold prospecting that are worth telling. (Now gold prospecting is a family hobby.) For one, how many people do you know that have been shot at for walking across someone's gold claim (well, there is a little more to the story)?

You will find the account of the 'shooting' on this site, just go back through the older posts until you come to it. And you can also buy the book OREGON GOLD and read the account. Go to Lulu.com and look for the book OREGON GOLD by Linda Newton-Perry.

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